Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Cult Ritual - 2nd EP

I wasn’t positive on what record I thought I should first review until I read everyone else’s entries. I think this is a good starting point as it’s a dramatic change in style from what’s been featured thus far (which is killer, mind you). There are a few records I’ve found myself listening to over and over for the past few months, and this one’s near the top of the list.

It’s been thought that perhaps Tampa, FL’s Cult Ritual is only receiving a lot of attention because of their association with the infamous Youth Attack Records. While there are certainly some questionable releases YA’s done, I’d say Cult Ritual deserves all the credit they receive and more for perfectly bringing the urgency of their live sound straight to record. All 4 songs here are spastic, noisy, and ferocious hardcore punk in its purest form. While the band seems to fit snugly into a rising niche of noisy hardcore(ala Total Abuse, Sex/Vid, etc.), Cult Ritual’s sound and visual aesthetics set them apart from their contemporaries. There aren’t enough adjectives to properly describe how quickly this record will drag you into its discordant soundscapes, violently shake you up and leave you wondering what happened. Each song runs into the next so frantically, it’s hard to sift through the wall of noise on first listen. Before a song begins, it’s on to the next one. Instead of coming off as too brief, they make you feel an intended panic. Trust me that they’re worth repeated listens.

While I feel I could go on and on about all 3 of Cult Ritual’s EPs, this particular one was selected for it being the best representation of Cult Ritual as a band sound and art-wise (I can’t describe this, you need to see it). Also, was the fact that because of how obnoxiously limited and expensive this record was to begin with (how goes the cult morale, Youth Attack?) you won’t be able to physically own one unless you want to drop $70 on ebay (owning the physical copy is rad, but everything should have its limit). Thankfully, the boys in Cult Ritual have made all their current releases to date, including this one, available for free to download at: http://cultmaternal.blogspot.com/


Leaves you wanting more:
-Haunted Ground


  1. I was lucky enough to snag one of these little devils when they played for 5 minutes at 560. I got one of the one's with hair in it!

  2. 8 of the most chaotic minutes that miserable basement has ever seen. Hope we can find a place as good for when they come back.
